Searching For Words In A Text On Mac

Imagine this situation: you created a long presentation for a particular event or concept and then realize that you used thewrong terminology throughout the presentation, then what would you do? Of course you can manually find the problem word andreplace its each occurrence. But what if you have more than a few slides? Or even then, you might miss out locating the problemword in some occurrences. The best solution is using PowerPoint's Find and Replace option, as explained in thefollowing steps:

  1. Open the presentation in which you have to find and replace a specific word. Select the Edit |Find | Replace menu option, as shown in Figure 1. Alternatively, just pressthe Shift + Command + H keyboard shortcut.

  2. Figure 1: Select the Edit | Find | Replace menu option
  3. Either way, this summons the Replace dialog box, as shown in Figure 2.

  4. Figure 2: Replace dialog box
  5. Now, type the word you want to find within the Find what text box (highlighted inred within Figure 3) and type the replacement word within theReplace with text box (highlighted in blue within Figure 3).

  6. Figure 3: Replace dialog box
  7. Within the Replace dialog box, you can select the check-boxes explained below to make the searchmore accurate:
  8. Match case

  9. This will match the letter case in the find process. For example, in this caseit will locate spell checking, but not Spell checking orSpell Checking.
  10. Find whole words only

  11. This will find only whole words and not word stems. If you have typed the wordto within the Find what text box, it will locate only to, notinto, or together.
  12. Now, click the Find Next button (highlighted in green withinFigure 3, above) to find the next occurrence of the word.
  13. Once the word which has to be replaced is found, you can do one of the following:
  14. Replace

  15. This button will be greyed out until you find the first instance of the word to bereplaced. Click this button to replace a single instance of the found word. Then, again click the Find Nextbutton to locate the next instance.
  16. Replace All

  17. Click this button to replace all instances of the found word in the open presentation, allat once. Do note that PowerPoint will not show you individual occurrences of the word and will make all changes for you.
  18. Once done, click the Close button.
  19. Save your presentation.

Searching For Words In A Text On Mac Computer

MacSearching for words in a text on mac computer

Searching For Words In A Text On Mac Keyboard

Find and Highlight Text on the Screen. To visually scan for every occurrence of a word or phrase in an email, instruct Outlook to highlight every instance of a specific word or phrase. Although the word or phrase is highlighted throughout the email, the highlighting doesn't show when the document is printed. Search: This Mac 'Your Folder Name' Click on the name of your folder to restrict the search to the folder instead of the whole computer, which is what the default selection 'This Mac' does. Then click the gear icon, choose show search criteria, and change the kind to text files. There's a quick and easy keyboard shortcut you can use to search for words on your Mac. This command — Command + F — lets you search for words in everything from documents to web pages. Click on the Search button. Hit Allow in the prompt on your screen. The software will search for your given term in all the PDF files in your specified folder. You’ll see the results right in the search pane. Searching For A Specific Search Term In Multiple PDF Files. Most PDF readers let you search for any text you want in your PDF files. Searching a word in a text file in languages like C/C/Java needs a lot of effort. These languages, first of all, force us to read a word/line/ and then compare each word. These methods are old fashioned and now need little bit modification.